Category Archives: – Weddings

Amy and Mic had contacted us about a month prior to their wedding and explained that there would be no guests, that their wedding would be just the two of them. Mic and Amy both wanted to remember their wedding as a day of enjoying each others company, indulging in extraordinary food and having time spent on portraits. Amy especially wanted a lot of pictures of Mic because “he is so darn good looking,” she gushed.

They definitely chose the perfect place to have such an intimate wedding. The Inn at Little Washington is a Five Star award winning restaurant and hotel set in the middle of the small town village of Washington, VA. In a few words, I would describe The Inn as simple, wonderful elegance.
Mic and Amy spent the day before their marriage making their own wedding rings! Right next door to The Inn is a place that hosts a ring making workshop. There is a professional who will personally guide you while you make your own wedding bands by hand. I think that’s just the neatest thing. For more info, visit the Wedding Ring Workshop.

On their wedding day, both Amy and Mic were married at the Claiborne House by Reverend Chris Castle, the Inn’s in-house ordained minister and Director of Special Events. After their ceremony, we all took a walk through the gardens and down past the Art Gallery’s rear veranda, which has a lovely scenic view of mountains. Mic and Amy were really adventurous with their portraits. Skipping, jumping, climbing trees and trying play with the Inn’s guardian and mascot, a llama named Francesca. Unfortunately, Francesca was not in the least bit interested in any of us. She snorted and went back to eating grass.

And the coolest way to begin a reception? Mic and Amy were given a pair of signature aprons and helped prepare their own meals with a private cooking lesson from one of the chefs! Afterward, they sat down and enjoyed their candlelit dinner together inside the Claiborne’s dining room. The night ended with a dance to beautiful harp music and singing.

Here are some images from that amazing day.

Claire Goodman, the wonderful lady behind The Charlottesville Wedding Blog has a beautiful write-up of me and Jason, and a lovely two day feature of our Best of 2010.  These are some of our favorite images from this past year, and as you will see we have been extremely fortunate to work with a large number of wonderful people. Claire wrote in her introduction that “When I look at Jason & Tammy Keefer, of Jason Keefer Photography‘s best-of submission I see stories. I don’t, of course, know the true details behind the images, but each photo evokes a story in my imagination…” That statement means so much to us, because all in all, telling the story about that particular moment is what Jason and I always hope to achieve in our work.

Jason and I especially want to thank all of our brides and grooms and their families.  Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your lives and tell your story, and for making our Best of 2010 amazing. You give us so much love and inspiration and make what we do meaningful and essential. Our greatest desire is that the images we provide for you will be cherished by your family for many, many years to come… that your children’s children will be able to pass these photographs down to their children, and that they will be able to experience the lives that you lived once upon a time.

Please visit Claire’s blog, and check back often to see what other talented wedding professionals are doing in this area.

  • Katy - My favorite line is ” that they will be able to experience the lives that you lived, once upon a time”… That’s it, capturing the day, the moment, the feeling, all within a single frame or a sequence of frames… And you do it magically, wonderfully, beautifully! Congratulations on a fantastic 2010… Here’s to an even more amazing 2011!2011/01/20 – 16:12ReplyCancel